To support the Pipeline Operators in the inspection and integrity assessment of their piggable and non-piggable pipelines, Innospection is currently developing a total pipeline inspection solution.
Non-Piggable Pipeline Inspection
In-line inspection (ILI) tools, also known intelligent pigs, are typically used to inspect pipelines for internal or external corrosion, deformations, cracks and other defects.
To overcome the areas which are difficult to be inspected by the typical In-line Inspection (ILI) tools based on MFL or Ultrasonic techniques, Innospection is currently developing with the support of two major international Operators the MEC-Pig Internal Pipeline Tool.
Based on the next generation MEC (Magnetic Eddy Current) technique, the MEC-Pig Internal Pipeline Tool is aimed at the niche inspection of:
CRA-clad non-bonded pipelines
Difficult-to-be-cleaned pipes
Heavy-wall dry pipelines which are difficult to be inspected by MFL or UT techniques without the couplant
Non-metallic lined pipes with the ability to inspect through a 10-15mm stand-off distance between the sensor and inspection surface
MEC (Magnetic Eddy Current) is a dynamic electromagnetic technique that offers the following benefits:
Ability to inspect through higher wall and coating thickness
High sensitivity in detecting internal and external defects including small and shallow pitting defects (from Ø >3mm and 10% wall loss)
Analysis of defect severity in terms of wall loss and volume
Direct sizing of defects during scanning without the need for Ultrasonic verification with accuracy of +/- 10% for onsite reporting and +/- 5% for special offline analysis
Cleaning of the asset down to its bare metal to produce good quality data is not necessary which is a major advantage over Ultrasonic capabilities
The MEC-Pig Internal Pipeline Tool that is currently in development shall be capable of:
Detecting internal and external small volumetric defects and localised corrosion in the general carbon steel pipe body and weld area
Detecting cracking, thinning and localised defects in the CRA layer of main pipe and overlap welding areas